Secondary school education officially began in Markham Village
when the Country Council of York passed a by-law authorizing
the establishment of a grammar school. This came into being in
January, 1858, with Dr. Edward T. Crowle as the first headmaster.
Since there was not a school building, quarters were rented in
Temperance Hall, on the site now occupied by the Markham Lawn
Bowling Club. During the first year, sixty-three students were

In 1860, land was purchased on Joseph Street, and a new one-room
brick Grammar School was built. When four rooms were added
in 1892, the original building
became the science laboratory.
Towards the end of the century, there was a constant lack of classroom space.
Alternations in 1924 provided changes in entrances, heating plant and corridors.
In 1927, indoor washrooms were installed.
The year 1952 marked the establishment of the present Markham High School
District, which comprises approximately the south-east half of Markham Township.
In April, 1953, the construction of the present school on Church Street began.
In September, 1954, a modern, three hundred pupil Secondary School was opened.
In July, 1964, construction was started on a vocational addition, which would
make the Markham District High School a fully composite school. This was
occupied in September, 1965. Two years later more accommodation was needed,
and the
latest addition was opened in January, 1970.
The enrolment for 1971-1972 in this large, well equipped composite school
is approximately eighteen hundred students.
Among the principals who gave excellent leadership, and also, in some cases,
many years of service, were: Mr. G. H. Reid, Mr. Bruce Clarke, Mr. J. S.
Bell, Mr. Ewart I. Gales, Mr. Donaldson, Mr. L. Hamel Cooke, Mr. O. R. Stalter,
Earle Thom, and Mr. B. J. Newell. The present principal is Mr. K. C. McDonald.