April 22, 2016
Attention MDHS Alumni - We Need Your Help
Alumni Fund Student Graduation Awards
From its early beginnings in the school year 1857- 1858, Markham District High School has had a long and illustrious history. From Art to Sports to Music to the Environment, MDHS has glorified its students and their accomplishments through the decades.
Our students have most notably achieved consistent academic success in all subject areas through hard work, a commitment to learning, and their ability to apply the knowledge gleaned from their teachers and their classes to their future goals.
Our students are recognized throughout the post-secondary world as those who come prepared to persevere and set themselves out as unique in their chosen fields of study.
We, their teachers at MDHS, have long recognized their efforts and have made MDHS Graduations an opportunity to celebrate their successes. One of the most important ways we do this is to continue to uphold the MDHS Graduation Awards Traditions.
We have 5 top awards which we treasure:
- The A. J. H. Eckhardt Trophy/The Clark Scholarship
- The G. W. Wilson Cup/The Latcham Scholarship
- The Alumni Award
- The OSSTF Trophy & Scholarship
- The Duxbury Scholarship.
The Alumni Award was funded by money donated from the 2004 and 2009 Reunion Committee --- but those funds had a set duration and have expired. We continue to support the Award because it is so representative of our Alumni who attended those reunions.
The A. J. H. Eckhardt Trophy/The Clark Scholarship and the G. W. Wilson Cup/Latcham Scholarship were established by pioneer families in early Markham and are very dear to us.
As a result of current economic conditions --- read “low interest rates” --- the principal amount that remains in these funds does not generate enough money to adequately support these awards to the extent we would like. Consequently, over the years, the dollar amount that we have been able to assign to these awards has dwindled significantly.
The meagre amount that we are able to give to our top students has become a source of disappointment for the MDHS Graduation Committee. Despite our best efforts to fundraise with such things as 50/50 draws at Staff meetings, we continue to struggle every year to pull together monies to support these trophy awards.
It is, and always has been, a source of great pride to have your name engraved on these awards and we will not give up on them.
We are appealing to all our MDHS Alumni to help us raise the money to refurbish these awards back to the standard that the Eckhardt, Wilson and Latcham families intended.
Please consider a $25 donation to help us build an Alumni Fund so we can continue to recognize our dedicated students in their quest to fulfill their dreams.
You may also generously donate any amount you like. Show your school spirit and help restore the Alumni Award the students deserve. We are grateful for your contribution!
How to donate online
Our payment Engine (School Cash Online) is used by the school primarily for Parents of Students to make payments (trips, school clothing, etc). The Alumni Fund is accepting donations using the school's payment engine. There are a few extra steps required in the process for you to make a donation. We thank you for your patience with the process. Your donation is a gift.
Work-a-round Steps:
- Use direct link https://yrdsb.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/4/72/false/true
- Your donation is a gift. Pick gift amount and confirm fund Destination. Please pick "Markham District HS".
- In message note field, type "Alumni Fund"

- Add to Cart
- Continue on and sign in or Register. You must be registered to complete the transaction using Credit/Debit card and donate your gift.
- Registering is a 3 step process. Once you have confirmed your registration through e-mail confirmation, login and proceed to your cart and checkout.
If you prefer to make a donation by cheque, please send to MDHS c/o Alumni Fund. 89 Church St., Markham L3P 2M3. Remember to include your full mailing address and e-mail so that we may confirm your donation and send you a thank you note.
If there is an Alumni you think might be able to help, please share this page or send the link to the donation button.
Note: Tax receipts will be issued.
Join the mail list to stay informed as MDHS Alumni news happens.
We are compiling an Alumni Database for future events such as reunions or significant school events that you may wish to attend. Alumni Committee will correspond with you based on to the information you provide. Your contact info from the donation process will be added to the Alumni Database.
April 22, 2016
New twitter account

Please follow us!
We're a little late to join but hopefully we'll be popular with our Alumni!
May 23, 2011
Trustees Meeting
We have a meeting on Monday, June 6th in Aurora at the Board offices. We are looking to connect with as many Alumni as possible in our efforts.
We are inviting you to Petition and attend the Trustees meeting at the York Region Distinct School Boards (YRDSB) offices in Aurora on Monday, June 6th, 2011 at 7pm. We need 8 Trustees to support the reversal of the decision to not replace the track as part of the redevelopment on 89 Church Street (MDHS - Markham District High School).
We need to increase the voice of our Community so we can get this decision reversed!
September 15,2010
Calling all MDHS Grads from 2002 - 2008!!!
Many Grads from these years failed to pick up their Yearbook and we have a supply of them that we need to get into the hands of their rightful owners!!
These were Yearbooks that were delivered in the Fall when many of the Grads were away at College, University or travelling and they were never picked up! Let your friends and former classmates know!!! Spread the message on Facebook or Twitter!!!
Call Dianne More at Markham District High School (or drop into the School when you are in the neighbourhood) if you have not received one or more of these Yearbook editions!
Show me your photo in the yearbook and you will be free to walk away with one of these treasured editions!
905-294-1886 Ext. 342
May 27, 2010
Time to Say Goodbye
Thanks to all the staff, students and volunteers for allowing this Open House event to happen. A few more Ontario Scholar photos were picked up. Yearbooks were also available for ordering. It was fun to wander around places we normally wouldn't see as students (lower staff lounge and behind the hot caf kitchen). Check out a link to some photos from May 27, 2010.
May 10, 2010
Farewell MDHS!
Front entrance and the glass atrium roof where the Living Wall will live! |
The Third Incarnation of MDHS is sprouting up rapidly in our east football field and the current building will be demolished starting in the summer of 2010.
We will open our doors to Alumni --- student and teachers --- along with the Community on Thursday May 27, 2010 for an opportunity to take pictures and say "good-bye".
We hope to see many of you there --- drop in for a few minutes or a few hours!!!
Thanks for visiting!
The 2009 reunion is over.
Click here to view some photos from the 2009 reunion.
If you have any photos we can post here on the reunion website, please e-mail
Twenty-five Reasons to Register for the MDHS 2009 Reunion TODAY!
The Organizing Committee of the MDHS 2009 Reunion is really looking forward to welcoming back the thousands of Alumni that call Markham District their Alma Mater.
However, for those who need a nudge to register, here are 25 great reasons...
- To pick up your Ontario Scholar picture that graced our halls for so many years. The pictures have been digitally archived now and, due to a lack of space in the new building, we would like to return as many as possible at the Reunion.
- To visit the Upper Staff Lounge (a.k.a. the Staff Dining Room!) to see the plans for the new school --- the 3rd Incarnation of MDHS.
- To buy a Yearbook for $1 --- years 2000 to 2008 --- in the Upper Staff Lounge. Proceeds to go towards EcoMarkham’s project to create a Living Wall in the entrance foyer of the new school --- a living testament to all who have been a part of this great school.
- To revisit Smokers’ Corner --- also known as Filter Flats or Butt Hill!
- To check out the historical display of MDHS artefacts organized with the help of the York Region District School Board’s Heritage Schoolhouse staff.
- To purchase a $10 Stainless Steel 2009 Reunion Water Bottle from EcoMarkham ---as a souvenir of this event and to support the Living Wall and the Pitch the Plastics Campaigns!
- To check out the decade Rooms where you can meet up with old friends, listen to your favourite oldies, check out some vintage pictures, and watch some retro videos/movies/TV shows.
- To be dazzled by decades of talent at our Variety Show which takes place from 12;00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Girls’ Gym.
- To view or contribute to our Memorial Display in the Girls’ Gym --- a visual tribute to MDHS Alumni who have passed away.
- To pay tribute to MDHS Alumni in the military who gave their lives for our freedom --- see your Military Memorial in the Girls’ Gym.
- To visit classrooms that you spent so many hours in --- possibly many decades ago --- and sit in the desks for the last time.
- To take photos of the building that is about to be torn down. Create your own photo journal of the building and the MDHS Reunion 2009. We expect to move into the new MDHS in September 2010.
- To be a part of the celebration of 55 years in this building and revel in its achievement of educating Markham’s students for 150 years from the original building at the corner of Joseph and Albert Streets. Walk over to the corner of Joseph and Albert Streets to see the original MDHS on its 150th Anniversary.
- To grab some fries and gravy and a coke in the Hot Caf --- some things never change!
- To revisit the Markham Fair on Saturday night --- to party on with old friends and reminisce about those October weekends at the Fair, riding the ferris wheel with someone special!
- To check out the Boys’ and Girls’ washrooms --- have they changed??
- To take a look at the Lower Staff Lounge that was always a “mystery place” to students. But not on May 23rd!!!
- To have the opportunity to catch up with teachers who had an impact on you! To show them how great you turned out! And have a picture taken with them for posterity!
- To run into people you forgot you knew --- and organize brunch or lunch for Sunday of the Reunion weekend at one of our welcoming restaurants on Main Street Markham!
- To take a stroll on Main Street Markham during “Pedestrian Day” on Sunday and see how it has/has not changed!
- To hook up with some amazing MDHS Alumni Athletes and play a little pick-up basketball, volleyball or whatever in the Boys’ Gym and show everyone that you still have the right stuff!
- To take in the Official Ceremonies and join the Mayor of Markham and MDHS Alumni (1979), Frank Scarpitti, kick off the festivities.
- To check out the construction on the East Football Field as they progress towards the Third Incarnation of Markham District High School.
- To walk from the school along Church Street to Main Street and re-trace the steps you took years before.
- To be able to say “I was there!” at the last event to be held in the building that has welcomed Students, Teachers, Support Staff, and Administrators from both buildings that have educated Markham for the past 150 years.
This is a moment in history not to be missed.
Register now!
This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience ---never to be recreated.
Pre-registering Helps
Get your welcome package and ID in advance. Send your completed application with cheque before May 15.
Pre-registering allows you to pick up your welcome package from one of two locations. If you sent your application by mail, your pre-printed ID and sweet memorabilia will be waiting for you at the express line on Saturday at the School or on Friday at the Train Station.
If you wait until Saturday of the reunion, you’ll have to line up in the East Foyer of the school to register and pay. We’ll have as many volunteers as possible to help, but the line-up won’t be pretty.
The admission fee of $30 gives you memorabilia from the event, registration, ID lanyard and future contact from committee as well as a listing on the website, (if you choose). Your payment goes toward renting the facilities, entertainment, advertising and other expenses from the reunion weekend.
Benefitting a Good Cause
The balance of the proceeds (after expenses) will be used to fund the commencement awards for future honour graduates of MDHS. Many years ago, the Board of Education stopped paying significant student awards as a result of financial investments. The money ran out. The reunion committee created a fund and have been paying for student awards since 2004.
It is thanks to former students of MDHS that new grads will have a cash award to take to their next level of education.
Sending your registration in advance can really help the committee. Knowing the number of attendees will contribute to the success of planning an event of this size.
Ontario Scholar Photo
Your Ontario Scholar Photo that used to line the halls of Markham District High
School are being repatriated.
These photos will be available in the school on Saturday May 23rd, 2009
for you to pick up... click here for more information
Online List of Alumni Attendees
Click here to view the list as a PDF.
Get your name on the list. Send in your registration form. Remember to check the box giving your permission. We'll only publish your name, year attended and city where you now live. No other personal information will be published.
The Reunion Event of the Century is coming fast --- are you ready!!!!
The Alumni of MDHS are getting ready to celebrate --- for the final time --- in the building that has sat on Church Street for the past 55 years!!
In three weeks, thousands of former MDHS students, teachers, administrators and support staff along with many friends of “The District” will converge at this event to meet with old friends and celebrate memories that have stood the test of time! Have you registered yet?? Don’t leave it another minute!
My youngest son, Clayton More (2005) has pulled together a foursome for the Golf Tournament at Angus Glen --- Jeff Duncan (2002), Taylor Fernandes (2002) and Greg Norton (1999-2001) --- and they are starting to get very pumped for the event! Great prizes, great lunch and great golf! The Mayor of Markham and Honorary Chair of the 2009 Reunion, Frank Scarpitti (1979), will be there to tee off with the golfers and start the Reunion festivities off with a bang! Don’t forget to register for this event --- spots are limited!!
I have been working with a group of current MDHS students to pull together some of the features that will make this an event not to be missed.
Some of my volunteers have been assigned to the Decade Rooms and will be acting as Reunion Ambassadors to greet the Alumni and answer any questions. The rooms will have yearbooks on display, pictures, music, movies and décor to enhance the uniqueness of each decade. You might want to bring along any memorabilia you might have from your years at MDHS to share with some of your school mates!
Some of my Grade 12 students are creating a Memorial Wall for Alumni to remember friends, family, classmates that have passed on. It will be a tribute to them and connect them to this very special Reunion. Do you have someone you would like to be remembered?
Another group of my Grade 10 students have been working madly to digitally archive all of our Ontario Scholar pictures and other photos that graced the walls at one time, but have been removed and stored over the years as walls were painted. These students have scanned and stored all the pictures so we have a digital record of all of them and they have organized all the pictures and will be returning them to their owners during Saturday at the school. If you were an Ontario Scholar, please drop by the Ontario Scholar Room and pick up your photo!!
Don’t forget about the Variety Show that will be held in the Girls Gym and will showcase some of Markham’s best talent!
I received a call from Marguerite Kelly last week --- she graduated in 1938 and will be at this Reunion with her friend, Dorothy Gilbert. They both attended the original MDHS at the corner of Joseph and Albert Streets! They still reside in the Markham area and have very strong memories of their high school years.
These ladies would not miss this event for the world!!! Neither should you!
The 2009 MDHS Reunion will only happen once. The school will be torn down in, roughly, eighteen months. This is your last opportunity to walk the halls of the school where so many friends and memories were established.
Register today --- be sure to send out e-mails or call any and all friends who went to MDHS to remind them to join you at the last MDHS Reunion in this building.
We are looking forward to having all of you join us for this momentous occasion!
MDHS Forever!
Dianne More, Teacher and Reunion Co-Chair
Frank Scarpitti - Honourary Chair of the MDHS Reunion Committee
The 2009 Reunion will take place on the weekend of May 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, 2009.
That is the weekend after the Victoria Day holiday.
After the incredible success of our last reunion in May 2004 that celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the building at 89 Church Street, we are anticipating an even bigger turnout for this upcoming reunion.
We are pleased to announce that Frank Scarpitti, Mayor for the Town of Markham, has agreed to be the Honorary Chair of the MDHS Reunion Committee. He is looking forward to another great reunion. Frank’s "alumni" status makes him the perfect ambassador for this reunion, which will be the last one to be held in this building
May 2009 will be the last opportunity for the MDHS Alumni to gather at the current building as it is slated to be replaced over the next two years.
Come back and visit this Website. More details will be posted here soon.
The Tradition Continues
2009 Reunion is in the planning stages! The event will take place the weekend after the long weekend. May 24 Holiday is on the 16th of May, our reunion is on May 22, 23 and 24.
This will be your last chance to see the old school at 89 Church Street. There are plans to tear it down once the new school is built in the fields where the track is now located.
For those that missed the last reunion, now’s your chance to get in. We’ll be saying goodbye to the old school and welcoming the new. The tradition continues.
Come back and visit this Website. More details will be posted here soon.
Wasn’t That a Party!
The 2004 Reunion web site has been archived.
Thanks to all who helped make the reunion the success it was!
The best part was the number of attendees! 2,567 people visited
the school and fairgrounds on Saturday. There isn’t an
official count for Friday night, but Sgt. Peppers was so packed,
many overflowed to Shoeless Joe's. Check
out the news articles from our reunion weekend.
Here are some photos from the last reunion. Please contribute by
sending your photos via e-mail to
. We will post them in this Photo Gallery.
Come Home to MDHS
In 2009, Markham District High School (MDHS) will have been at
its present location for 55 years, but more importantly it will
been educating
for 150 years. We're going to celebrate that fact in a big
way, and we want YOU to be a part of the fun!
This Website is designed to keep you up-to-date with all that
is planned for you. Keep checking it! New information will be added as we get closer to the event date.
Soon you'll be able to get all the current plans and registration information,
leave a message for your graduating year, read about Markham District
High School history, view the school as it appears today, add
you name to
the E-mail
Directory - all this and more, right here!