Who Are We?
Here are the members of the committee who are already hard
at work planning this reunion for you. We are committed to making
it as fun and memorable as possible, to provide ample opportunity
for you to reconnect with friends from the past, but YOU are
the most important ingredient. Make your plans to "Come
Home to MDHS" in May 2004. And if you'd like to help in
some way, contact us at
Your reunion committee
in the planning stages.

from the left: Gunter Langhorst, Bonnie
Horton, Linda Patterson, David Harris
David Harris - David, who is co-chair of the reunion
committee, is preparing for retirement in June of 2003 after
teaching science
at MDHS for 30 years. He is almost as well known for coaching
rugby (since 1975) and taking students on rugby tours. David
resides in Markham.
Linda Patterson (Sine)
- Linda co-chairs the reunion committee with David. Not only
she a graduate of MDHS 1971,
but now she teaches there in the Business Department. Linda still
resides in Markham
where she is involved in many community activities.
Doug van Wolde - Doug graduated from MDHS in 1988 and now is
self-employed in the Internet industry. He married another Markham
student, Sarah Hamnett; they reside in Brooklin where Doug is
active on the Markham Fair Board and in other community activities.
He is responsible for our excellent website.
Kathryn Mifflin (Hindle) - Kathryn taught mainly
history during her 30 years at MDHS (1968 - 1998), although you
may also
her from the Guidance Department or as co-founder of the L.E.A.D
Program. Currently retired, Kathryn now resides in Stouffville.
She is co-chair of reunion registration.
Bonnie Horton (Homuth)
- Bonnie taught in the English Department at MDHS from 1968 -
1974 and then again from 1986-2001. She was
also co-founder of the L.E.A.D. Program. Bonnie is retired and
living in Scarborough, and is co-chair of reunion registration.
Sandy Strachan - Affectionately known as "Flower" or "Rosebanja
Bostucci" by her students, Sandy spent her whole 30-year
career at MDHS, beginning in 1971, and was head of Girls' PHE
for 26 years. During her career, she coached 55 sports teams.
Now retired, Sandy resides in Toronto.
Frank Scarpitti - has lived in the Town of Markham
for 38 years and currently resides in Unionville. He has spent
15 years on Markham's council in the capacities of Regional Councillor,
Deputy Mayor and Mayor. Frank is the Honourary Chairman of the
MDHS Reunion Committee.
More Committee images |
photo: Bill Thomas in the foreground
photo: Dian More and Doug van Wolde
photo: Nancy Letman |
Main Committee: Linda Patterson, David Harris, Doug van Wolde,
Gunter Langhorst, Dave Morrison, Bonnie Horton, Kathryn Mifflin.
Registration: Bonnie Horton, Kathryn Mifflin.
Friday golf: Carl Hansen, Don Nixon.
Friday night: Bill Snowball, Rod Sine.
Saturday school: Ruth Pezzack, Dian More, Mark Caswell, John
Teachers’ lunch: Sandy Strachan, Erika Kerhoulas, Theo
Christoff, Beth Wardlaw, Laurie Milne.
Fair Grounds: Nancy Letman.
Sports: Ali Tunnicliff.
Publicity: Gary Ellis, Kerri Lane.
Variety Show: Bill Thomas.
Sunday Service: Lorne Smith.