The cost for registration to take part in any or all events
during the weekend is $15 for Alumni or Staff. If your guest
did not attend or work at MDHS, the $15 registration fee is not
required, unless you want the gift package for your guest.
There is an extra cost of $15 per person to attend the Staff
Brunch. There is an extra cost of $25 per person to attend the
Saturday night buffet and dance at the Fair Grounds.
Canada Post may not
deliver your registration form to us in time. We are prepared
to take your advanced registration at the school.
Here is a list of all the places we will be accepting registrations:
Tuesday, May 11 – Main entrance of the school on Church
4:30pm to 7:30pm
Wednesday, May 12 – Main entrance of the school on Church
4:30pm to 7:30pm
Thursday, May 13 – Main entrance of the school on Church
4:30pm to 7:30pm
Friday, May 14 – Old Arena at Hwy#7 and Main Street,
upstairs, 6pm to 9pm.
Saturday, May 15 – Main Entrance of the school on Church
9am to 4pm
Saturday, May 15 – Markham Fair Grounds 6pm
If you have already sent your registration form by mail, you
may pick up your registration kit on Saturday at the school on
Church Steet in the East Foyer.
If you are attending the Saturday evening festivities only,
you may pick up your kit at the Fair Grounds.
You will need the Adobe
Acrobat Reader plug-in to view this
document. Print out this form, complete the
information and mail together with your payment.
(click on this picture of the form to open
the PDF)

Why Pre-Register?
Now that the MDHS Reunion Registration Form is in circulation and on the website,
you might be wondering why the need to pre-register. Certainly you could just
arrive in Markham the weekend of May 14 - 16, 2004, register and be part of the
fun to a certain extent, but to really take advantage of all that has been planned,
you should pre-register.
Here's why:
First of all, your committee needs to know numbers
so that we can be sure we have booked the right amount of space,
enough muffins, provided enough
parking, etc. We want this to be the most convenient and best possible time
for you, and to do so we need to know numbers.
Secondly, there are events for which there are a
limited number of tickets. Registering early means that you stand
a better chance of reserving the hottest
tickets in
town in your name.
And finally, you may have some great ideas to pass
along to us when you register that could enhance the weekend for
everyone. If we know soon
enough, we may
be able to incorporate those ideas into the weekend's events.
Don't delay! Download
your registration form today,
and send form along with the registration fee and payment
for any other events you
wish to attend to the address listed on the form.
Refund Policy: In some cases, it
will be necessary for people who have registered to change their
plans. If they have paid but are now unable to attend, a refund
will be issued. Note: Refund requests must be confirmed by e-mail
or phone by Friday May 14. You must have confirmation by the Reunion
Committee by May 14, 2004.
One last note: registering on the Member's Forum
on the website is not the same
for the reunion weekend. You MUST send in by mail, the registration
form with payment to attend the
If the Abcrobat document just isn't working for you,
click this low-resolution
image link which should open in your
web browser. Print it from your web browser.
If you have any questions about the reunion or
the registration process, please e-mail