Frequently Asked Questions
• Can I register and pay at
the door? 
• Where can I get my
registration form?
• Where do
I send my registration form?
• How much will it cost to attend?
• Does my Guest
also have to pay $15 for the registration?
• Who
is this reunion for?
• Why should I attend?
• Where
can I stay for the weekend?
• Where are the activities taking
• Who can I bring with me? 
• How
will the reunion be publicized?
• Registration Form Vs. the Member
Forum Signup?
• How Can I find out if I’m
registered for the reunion?
We'll be posting some more Frequently Asked Questions and answers
as soon as we have some.
Feel like helping? Send us a question. It might become a frequently
asked question.
Q: There is less than
a week until the reunion, can I register and pay at the Old
Arena on Friday night or at the school on Saturday or at the
Fair Grounds Saturday night?
A: Yes. It is
now too late to send your registration by mail. We were asking
for pre-registration to help us plan the food and facilities
for the number of attendees. You will be able to register and pay
at the Old Arena on Friday night or at the school on Saturday or
at the Fair Grounds on Saturday night.
Q: Where can I get my registration form?
A: The registration form is available right here. Download
the form from this link. Print it, and send it in with the appropriate
payment. Most of the businesses on Main Street, Markham will
have registration forms
as well.
Watch for us at the Markham Festival of Lights. You can also
contact Bonnie, our registration coordinator, at
and she will send you out a form by mail. Some forms will
also be available at the school.
Q: Where do I send my registration form?
A: The mailing address for registration will be on the
registration form.
Q: How much will it cost to attend?
A: Your registration fee for the reunion is $15. Guests
who did not attend MDHS are free. The evening events at the Fair
Grounds are $25 for you and $25 for your guest. Some of the daytime
events are free, such as the Decade Rooms at the School, while
for the Variety Show, reservations are required. Check the registration
link on
this website or the registration form for exact details.
Q: I plan to attend the daytime events at the school
on Saturday with my Guest. Does my Guest also have to pay $15
for the registration?
A: Only one Individual needs to register and pay the $15.
If your Guest is also an Alumni and wishes to receive a registration
package, then they may also complete a form and pay the
$15 fee.
Q: Who is this reunion for?
A: This reunion is for anyone who attended Markham
District High School as a student, even if only for one or
two years and anyone
who worked there as a teacher, custodian, secretary, cafeteria
Q: Why should I attend?
A: The reunion will give you the opportunity to re-connect
with friends from the past perhaps for the first time since
you attended
or worked at MDHS, and catch up on their lives. There will
be lots of opportunity to relive memories with displays and
of the past while you tour the school and stroll down Main
Street. And it's going to be a great time!
Q: I don't live in Markham anymore. Can you recommend
somewhere to stay for the weekend?
A: We are planning to partner with local hotels. Check the
Accommodations link on this website for a complete list of
local hotels and
bed and breakfast locations. Some hotels are even offering
reunion packages.
Q: Where are the activities taking place?
A: All of activities are centered in the town of Markham,
on Main Street, at the school, and at the Fairgrounds. Check
link on this website for more specific details.
Q: Who can I bring with me?
A: You may bring anyone you wish with you.
The cost for registration to take part in any or all events
during the weekend is $15 for Alumni or Staff. If your guest
did not attend or work at MDHS, the $15 registration fee is not
required, unless you want the gift package for your guest.
There is an extra cost of $15 per person to attend the Staff
Brunch. There is an extra cost of $25 per person to attend the
Saturday night buffet and dance at the Fair Grounds.
We are not providing any activities
specifically for children.
Q: How will the reunion be publicized?
A: Most of the advertising will be done right here
on the website. There will be booths at the Unionville
and Markham festivals
in the spring and at the Markham Fair in the fall. We are
discovering that friends telling friends and more informal
networking are
doing a lot of advertising.
Q: What’s the difference between
the Registration Form and the Member Forum Signup?
A: The Reunion Registration Form is a document you print and
send via mail in order to attend the reunion event in May. The
Member Forum Signup is an electronic form you complete in order
to participate in online discussions about topics relating to
Q: How Can I find out if I’m registered
for the reunion?
A: If you have submitted a cheque for reunion events, the cashing
of that cheque is verification that you are indeed registered.